

Open Source Intelligence Techniques

A great book for anyone interested in learning how to do research online on people and businesses. Especially great for an amateur sleuth.

Why Nations Fail

An amazing book detailing how it is not culture, geography, or race that makes failed states but political and economic institutions.

The Dictator's Handbook

A great book explaining why dictators act the way they do when it makes no sense to us looking from the outside.

A Random Walk Down Wall Street

A must-read for any investor on how the stock market works and the best strategies for a retail investor.


A book everyone should have on their bookshelf. Amazing insights by a Roman emperor that still hold up today.

The Laws of Human Nature

One of the best books from Robert Greene who beautifully explains how our own behaviors are holding us back from greatness.


InDesign for Beginners

Photoshop for Beginners

Illustrator for Beginners

Premiere Pro Tutorial

Why Winning the Lottery Ruins People

The Influencer Hustle

Ten Inevitables


Why everything will collapse



Canadian Couch Potato

A great website for anyone who wants to learn passive investing.

Draw A Box

A great resource for anyone wanting to learn to draw.

Automate the Boring Stuff with Python

One of the best resources for people looking to get into programming.