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One Month of Python

This is a status update of my 100 days of Python challenge. One month in and I learned a lot.  Right now I am going through the course “Python for Everybody.” One thing I learned is how terrible I am doing the advanced topics of programming. Basic stuff like variables and data types are too easy for me. But once I get into advanced topics like loops, functions, and lists I start losing focus. Even though I learned of these topics before, I still struggle like it is my first time doing them. Maybe it is because once the difficulty starts rising, I start losing the will to learn properly and don’t put in the effort required. Whatever the reason, the challenge has reminded me of my shortcomings facing these topics. Hopefully now that I am putting an hour a day into this challenge, I will be figure out these advanced topics and not get stuck in place like always. I hope next status update I will be able to tell I have been able to make progress in understanding Python. For now, I struggle onwards.

Thanks for reading,

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