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The Journey to Certification(Google Data Analytics)

A fundamental part of self-improvement is learning new skills and experiencing new things. Getting certified would be a major step not just for my career prospects but for my journey of self-improvement. Choosing the Google Data Analytics Certification was an easy choice. I am very interested in analyzing data to find stories and insights similar to Sports Analysts, Economists, or Data journalists. That can be seen from my Projects page where I am starting various databases to glean insights from the data collected. Serial killers database to glean insights on how serial killers operate. Influential people database to see the patterns behind success. Learning how to better analyze data would be great for my professional and personal development. Documenting my journey to getting the certification would be great as it keeps me focused, allows me to reflect on what I learned and what I need to improve on, and shares my journey with others to see if this certification is something they want to follow on with. Every week I will make a post updating about how the course is going and what I learned. Getting this certification will be a major step in bettering myself and building a future.

Thanks for reading,

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