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The Journey to Certification (Week Fifteenth)

Spent this week learning how the basics of R and how to work with data in R. Nothing to really write about except the more I learn about R the less I want to use it beyond this course. Compared to Python, everything seems way more convoluted and obtuse for no reason. Trying to take away general tips and knowledge so the entire course doesn’t just go to waste. Going to have to take a python course after I finish this certification to get my programming experience. “Python for Everybody” seems like a good substitute for learning an programming language for data analysis. Python is just more intuitive to me so I going to use that as my programming language of choice. Hopefully I am able to move through the rest of “Data Analysis with R Programming” without problems. Next week, I finish “Data Analysis with R Programming” and start the capstone project. Already got a couple of ideas of what I want to do as a project.

Thanks for reading,

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