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The Journey to Certification(Week Four)

This week I managed to finish the first course of the Google Data Analytics Program. As an intro to the course, it served its purpose of introducing me to the world of data. Since I already had some basic knowledge about data and data analysis, much of this first course was just a review of what I already knew. I didn’t mind retreading old ground as it helped me remember some of the things I forgot and gain a new understanding of things that I was murky about. One critique of this course and the program is how basic it is. Considering this google was made by Google, a trillion-dollar company, I am surprised by how run-of-the-mill this course is so far. Nothing stands out this course from other courses which is shocking since I thought a company like Google would try to experiment with how online courses work. I guess they didn’t want to overwhelm people since this course is targeted at people who are only vaguely familiar with technology. Overall it was a good introduction to the program if a bit basic. Hopefully, the next course is more advanced.

Thanks for reading,

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