“To stop talking about what the good man is like, and just be one.”

-Marcus Aurelius

Latest Thoughts

2024: The Year of Writing
2024 is going to be a different year for me in terms of resolutions. Past years I would have multiple goals with each of them having their separate own rules, deadlines, and limitations....
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An creative non-fiction essay I wrote that managed to win 3rd place in an magazine. Meaning it is decent enough to share online without embarrassing myself online. “Major sea-level...
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Great Quotes To Remember
I am creating this list of quotes to be a place of inspiration for me. I plan to keep this page updated with new quotes whenever I can. Leave a comment if you think there is a great...
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100 Days of Python Completed
Finally, I have completed the 100 days of python challenge. It was a hundred days of watching lectures, completing quizzes, and handing in assignments. It was also hundred days of retreading...
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New Year Resolutions for 2023
A new year means new year resolutions. 2022 was a good year for me in terms of self-improvement and I want to continue that into 2023. I have made a couple resolutions as a way to have...
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Accomplishments of 2022
This year was the start of something new for me. It was the year I started focusing in on self improvement and personal development. Though I started late in the year, I still managed...
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List of My Personal Projects


List of my favorite books that I feel are must-reads.


List of videos that I feel everyone should watch once.


List of resources that I am using to grow as a person.


Proverbs 27:17

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.